Morgans on Hawaii’s Parker Ranch

By Gail Perlee
Originally written in 2003, this article shows stallions held in high regard to upgrade working Western stock on what was once America’s largest cattle ranch.
Compadres: The California Vaquero and the Morgan Horse

by Gail Perlee
Once the standard for working cow horses on the huge ranches of California, the Vaquero
ways have recently been revived by steadfast practitioners of the detailed and nearly lost
art. The Morgan breed has been in the thick of it—then and now.
The Morgan as a Stock Horse

by Dean Jackson, Western Horseman Magazine, January 1958
When we speak of the Morgan breed most people think of a breed that is used entirely in the East. The Morgan is very much a Western breed. He is the all-purpose horse of the country.
Ray Hunt Working on the TS Ranch for Roland Hill

Western Horseman Jan. 2005
One of the world’s most influential horsemen, Ray Hunt, passed away March 12. The following story on Hunt originally ran in the January 2005 issue of Western Horseman.
Morgan Horse Performance – The Morgan Horse, April 1949

by Earl B. Krantz
300 mile endurance race results
The measurement of the usefulness of Morgan horses today, as in the past decade or two, has been their performance under saddle. Though far from perfect, measurements of performance for eastern Morgans
Sturdy Under Saddle

by Melissa Hemken
Harvey Seidel became a believer in working-style Morgans 40 years ago, and the stout, versatile horses prove their worth every day on his Bar None Ranch in Wyoming.
Mortana Pat, A Nearly Forgotten Legacy

by Brenda Tippin
A compact and muscular bay cast in the mold of his illustrious ancestor, Justin Morgan, Mortana Pat was a true product of Western performance breeding.
Mountain packing with Morgan Horses

by Jo Johnson, Jaquima a Freno Morgan Stock Horses
Ah, the beauty, solitude, and freedom of the mountains. It is difficult to describe just how empowering it is to be far away from civilization and all its trappings.
Dick Sellman and His Morgans

by A. Hartung – as printed in The Western Horseman, Nov. 1950
SOMETIME PRIOR to 1880, the late Richard Sellman left his birthplace in the state of Maryland and drifted southwest into McCollough county, Texas. Here he acquired a foothold and, being industrious, prospered.