Our Mission
The Morgan Stock Horse Association is an active group of Morgan stock horse breeders that have formed this organization with the goal of educating and promoting the Morgan Horse to those who are not aware of the Morgan breed outside of the Morgan community.
Our aim is to promote the Morgan’s aptitude for stock work, ranch horse, Cowboy and Western dressage, trail pleasure, packing, vaquero horsemanship and Mounted Cowboy Shooting uses, to those wanting a high quality/stylish mount.
The purpose of this website is to also help the buyer find breeders that have ranch stock for sale and stallions available for breeding service on the “Farm Directory” page. You could be listed too!
We welcome all registered Morgans and leave it to the individual farms to promote their favorite bloodlines.
Morgan Foundation Bloodlines (described here).
Also, Morgan Foundation Bloodlines described here, along with breed history and FAQ’s.
We also have a growing collection of Morgan Horse articles providing history, information and photos documenting the impressive history of America’s oldest horse breed founded in 1789 and it’s long stock horse history and traditions.

Your $75 membership fee includes a listing in our Farm Directory and helps fund advertising costs in the Western Horsemen, Eclectic Horseman, Horse&Rider and/or other magazines, promoting our breed outside of the Morgan community.

Farm Directory
Contact one of these Morgan stock horse breeders if you are looking to add to your herd! Our breeders raise quality Morgans for any discipline you need.

Article Archives
Articles and images depicting the vast history of the Morgan Horse, including historic ranches and the Morgan’s contributions to other breeds.
Morgan Horse History
The Morgan is America’s oldest horse breed with the first stallion Figure (later known as a namesake to an early owner Justin Morgan) foaling in 1789. All Morgans trace back to this single unique stallion. The Morgan horse, has long been used for ranch and vaquero tasks many years before other American breeds and registries were formed. The Morgan baroque top line lends itself to fitting the ideal image for vaquero horsemanship, making it preferred as one of the original horse breeds for this spade bit use in the United States.
The Morgan bloodlines are in the foundation of most all of the American saddle horse breeds, including the Quarter Horse, Saddlebred, Missouri Fox Trotter, Tennessee Walking Horse, Rocky Mountain Horse and others due to its favored qualities. Is it any wonder the Morgan was the first original Cowboy Dressage horse and also toured with the Royal Lipizzans during their first US and Canadian tour in 1964?
Ray Hunt’s first cowboy job was working for Roland Hill on the TS Ranch in Nevada, using Morgans exclusively. The U.S. Government Morgan Farm in Vermont (1904-1950) selected it’s breeding stock from individuals that were tested for ability to complete their 100 mile/day endurance ride. This Morgan breeding stock was then used for the cavalry and the many remount stations throughout the U.S. standing Morgan stallions that were available to the general public and used by many ranches.
For more history follow the link near the bottom of the page, to the Morgan Documentary video clip, by clicking on the Morgan horse painting by Douglas Lazarus.

What separates the Morgan from the other breeds?
The goal of the Morgan stock horse breeder, is to selectively breed for its unique confirmation, beauty and type, not found in any other breed. Substance with refinement, free of hereditary or navicular problems. It is not bred for a limited single specialized performance, use or color pattern. The Morgan excels as a good natured, all around general purpose, do anything mount.
The Morgan is known for its stylish appearance and energetic carriage, allowing it to move like a balanced, proud, high quality saddle horse and not a low headed draft work horse with a heavy harness conformation.
Navicular and other hereditary problems are rare in Morgans. Fewer veterinary bills, with good feet and legs. Very hardy, extremely efficient to feed. Often not required to being shod for the hardest day’s work. Easily trainable mind, people friendly dispositions. Problems associated with other breeds, have been avoided in the Morgan by selective breeding practices.
This makes the Morgan a classic, all around, versatile, general purpose horse with emphasis on maintaining high quality and endurance, valued by all knowledgeable horsemen. A horse that you will take extra pride in owning.